A Tribute To My Grandma

A Tribute To My Grandma

         A Tribute to my Grandmother, Audra Wood

I want to bring honor to my precious grandmother, for whom I was named. She was born on February 23, 1904, and was a blessing to all who knew her! She went to be with the Lord ten days before her 99th birthday, on February 13, 2003.

A few years ago our family listened to a sermon that was very enlightening to us. The main verse used for the text was Proverbs 18:14. “The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear?” Midway through the sermon, we knew God was revealing to us the reason for the longevity of my grandmother’s life.

Grandma was known as a woman who always looked for the good in people. She did not hold grudges or speak unkindly. She had a deep and abiding trust in the Lord. As we spent time with her day-in and day-out, we were constantly aware of her godly spirit. By all medical reasons, Grandma should not have lived to be almost 99.  It seemed that almost every part of her little 80-pound body was completely worn out and sick. But…her spirit was what sustained her infirmity! She did not allow the many happenings and hurts of life to get her down.

What an encouragement Grandma was to me! I, too, want my spirit to sustain me. It would be very easy to allow my circumstances or my aging body to discourage me. From her precious example, I desire to allow the Lord’s spirit to manifest itself in my life by daily yielding to Him. The character of Christ can truly then be formed in me.

Understanding Proverbs 18:14 more fully has helped me to claim Psalm 51:10. “Create in my a clean heart, O Lord; and renew a right spirit within me.”

Regardless of our circumstances today, let’s bandage our wounds and allow the Lord to give us a clean heart and a right spirit. May God’s love radiate from us!  
                                                                                                    (Audra) Ann Bollinger

Grandma Audra’s Oatmeal Pie

(This recipe is somewhat like a mock pecan pie.

 It is one of our favorite recipes of hers!)

3 eggs
2/3 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar

Beat eggs. Add sugar and beat well,

making sure the sugar is completely dissolved.

2/3 cup dry QUICK oats
2/3 cup coconut
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons melted butter
pinch of salt

Add to egg and sugar mixture and mix well.
Pour into unbaked pie shell.
Bake at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes.
(Center will not be firm yet.)
Let set for at least one hour before serving.


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